Public Transit

 Transit News & Notices 

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*FAQs for On-Demand Transit are located at the bottom of this page


Colltrans will continue to operate on the Sunday schedule until further notice. The Blue Mountain Link will operate on its normal schedule.  Please note there is no Colltrans Service on any statutory holidays. For transit delays please contact Colltrans Phone: 705-446-1196 

Colltrans & Blue Mountain Link 

Town of Collingwood public transit buses are fully accessible and can be used for wheelchairs, motorized scooters, pull behind shopping carts, as well as strollers. The buses are all equipped with a passenger side access ramp which is available for use upon request as well as Q-STRAINT securement. All buses are outfitted with bike racks which are available for use at no extra charge.

TransitPLUS Specialized Service launched December 17, 2022

Our first phase of On-Demand Transit services launched on Saturday June 10, 2023. Phase 1 will be for weekends only.  We will be completing a 3 month review after launch and aim to add in weekday evenings to on demand in Phase 2. 

Colltrans, the Town of Collingwood's public transit system, provides a convenient alternative to driving within Collingwood. There are three regularly scheduled transit routes and the frequency of pickup at the terminal is every sixty minutes. The Colltrans terminal is located on the corner of Second Street and Pine Street adjacent to the municipal parking lot at 100 Pine Street. Currently the terminal is located outdoors and has two shelters as well as public washroom facilities.

Do you have a request for a stop or shelter? Visit Stop and Shelter Design Guidelines to learn about our selection process.